Concept Note: Learn more about our initiative

Rojgar Srijan:
‘Swavlambi Bharat Abhiyan’

To solve the problem of unemployment- strenuous efforts, public awakening and
comprehensive planning are required. For the purpose of solving the problem of
unemployment– ‘Swavlambi Bharat Abhiyan’ is initiative of economic organisations
alongwith educational and social institutions.
After the political independence in 1947 and the policy of globalization of last 30 years had
brought mixed results for the Nation. Although, GDP growth during this period was higher
than that of preceding 40 years, but opportunities were not created proportionally for all
section of the society. That is why the GDP growth of this period was also known as ‘Jobless
Although, as per government data, the pace of reduction in poverty has been higher as
compared to the past, especially in the last two decades. Currently the poverty line (BPL) has
come down to be less than 15%, which is a good sign. But till the time country is not fully
employed, we cannot achieve the goal of complete self-reliance and attain the position of
world leader (Vishwa Guru).

About 1.2 crores people are added to the population of India every year. Due to this kind of
population growth since independence, a large segment of the population is of youth. Today,
two-third of the country’s population is below 35 years of age and more than 36% people are
in the age group of 15 to 35 years. In this sense, India is the youngest country in the world. 37
crore youth are in the age group of 15 to 29 years. Such a position is also defined as the
‘demographic dividend’, as large proportion of the youth makes it possible for the country to
develop rapidly by harnessing the capabilities of the youth. Currently, employment generation
is a very big and serious challenge. Various surveys, declarations of political parties, media
news stories and feedback from small towns and villages etc, highlight unemployment as a
major challenge for the country.

Current Scenario:
Presently, there are only 6-7% of the organised sector jobs (government, semi-government
and private combined) in India whereas the number of contract labour, rural, daily wage
worker and others together constitute about 20-21% only. For the remaining 79-80%, the
sources of employment are agriculture, small cottage industries and a few are Self-employed.
Though, ordinary youth considers government or big company jobs only a source of
employment. Hence, change in this kind of thinking will be helpful in resolving this problem.
Red tapism in Government Departments, difficulties in establishing new ventures and self
employment etc. also create hurdles in achieving total employment which need to be removed.
In these circumstances, we need to have a national thought, which will facilitate the youth in
getting employment on a permanent basis who will become producer also. There is a need to
make such policies which create more job opportunities with increase in production. We have

to end the apathy towards agriculture and make efforts to increase agricultural production and
income from it. Fair distribution of income is only possible when the worker gets proper
wages, the farmer gets remunerative price of his produce and everyone is capable of meeting
his basic needs. We do not need communism or socialism for this rather we need an integrated
policy where production, employment, investment and distribution are not segregated but are
integrally connected with each other. For this, not only the government and society should
work with an integrated spirit but the society should also accept the challenge of
Work to be accomplished through the campaign: –

  1. 37 crore youth especially in the age group of 15 to 29 years of this Nation have to act
    as a tool to solve this problem. Instead of being a ‘Job Seeker’, youth have to make a
    holistic plan to become a ‘Job Provider’
    . To develop entrepreneurship, awareness and
    wealth creation among the youth shall be made a mass movement. It is very important
    for the youth to understand the necessity of hard work and labour.
  2. This campaign aims to coordinate between the job seekers and various industries (job
    providers like job fairs) to facilitate (as a catalyst) in getting Govt. jobs, value addition
    in agriculture produce and promote cooperative movement etc.
  3. Under this Campaign, an Employment Generation Centre would be establish in
    each district in association with college or university of that area. This centre will have
    plans to provide all kind of employment to the youth. The process to associate for
    clarifying their basic subject, information about government schemes, entrepreneurship
    training and skill development etc. shall take place in this centre. Apart from this, the
    solution of many problems of self employment, bank loan and dialogues with successful
    entrepreneurs etc. will also be taken care through this centre.
  4. This campaign will also encourage and support self-employment, new small-scale
    enterprises, start-ups, cooperation based industries.
  5. This campaign will act as a catalyst in the creation of employment by coordinating local
    resources, youth-power, Government Schemes, technical education and industrial
    centres of each district. This will promote cottage industry and Gram Shilp at the village
    level and will be helpful in restricting migration of youth to the cities.
  6. This campaign will be helpful in promoting local and indigenous products, cottage
    industries, training and loan to industries etc. It will also be helpful in providing support
    at the local level in creating and establishing self employment jobs like Rehdi, Kiosk,
    Barber, laundry, Driver, Taxi, Auto etc.
  7. This campaign will also be helpful in implementing schemes for employment
    generation after reviewing and discussing them with various States and Central
    Government, Niti Aayog etc.
  8. These centres will be using digital platform to make the youth aware of Govt. Schemes.
    This campaign will also identify job opportunities available for Indian youth anywhere
    in the world to increase their chances of employment,
  9. This campaign will also take care of the fact that the youth should not only think of
    their own employment but also about the employment and economic progress of the Nation.
    They should work for the progress of the nation by following the co-operative culture.

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